A parish councillor has criticised what he calls the 'apathy' of the people of Silsden.

Chairman Michael Ander-son's comments came after only four members of the public turned up for the parish council's annual general meeting in Silsden Town Hall.

"Too many people are happy to stand up and say 'this is wrong and that is wrong'," he says. "But when it comes to doing something about it they don't want to know."

Cllr Anderson admits people may have been misled by an incorrect advert placed in the Keighley News by the parish council. The parish council advertised the meeting as taking place on Thursday, April 23. In fact it was on Thursday, April 2.

One member of the public who did turn up, Herbert Spencer, told the meeting he thought the streets of Silsden were a 'disgrace'.

Mr Spencer, of Skipton Road, said the country lanes around the town are covered in litter and most of the streets are covered with dog mess. "It's about time someone was prosecuted for letting their dogs foul the pavements," he said. "Maybe then people would clean up after their dogs."

The meeting heard how dog owners are still letting their animals foul on the town's playing fields. Dog mess has also been found on playing fields behind the Elliott Street youth club, even though gates were put up recently to prevent dogs from being walked on the field.

Parish councillor and environmental group member Keith Norris points out that new laws are now in place to prevent dog fouling. "Any-body who sees anyone allowing their dog to foul should immediately report it to Bradford council's dog warden," he says.

Owners could be fined up to £1,000 if they are convicted of allowing their dog to foul in a 'clean-up' zone.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.