THE Clapham-based Cave Rescue Organisation has published its incident report for 1997.

The CRO carries out numerous searches and rescues, the majority being above ground, and its report gives an analysis of incidents and a summary of statistics.

The organisation is holding a Wheels Appeal fund- raising event at The Bridge Inn, Ingleton, on Saturday May 30.

As a registered charity, the CRO is constantly fundraising for various pieces of lifesaving and rescue equipment, and now it needs cash for two very important items.

Firstly, a new Land Rover is needed to replace the current aging vehicle. A new one could transport up to 10 people to the scenes of emergencies over difficult terrain.

Secondly, there are 50 members who should carry pagers on them, but the CRO does not possess enough for all. It is looking for sponsors to supply these to the group, possibly on a contract basis.

The Wheels Appeal day starts at 10.30am and as well as demonstrations and information about the CRO there will be merchandise available.

The next big event is the game show at Broughton Hall on Sunday June 28, the year's main fundraiser for the CRO and the Upper Wharfedale Fell Rescue Association.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.