A CHURCH-owned sheep produced quintuplet lambs - just in time for Easter.

The mule cross ewe is one of a flock of 17 being cared for by different farmers across the Austwick parish, and her uncommonly large family will help boost church funds.

The sheep have been bought by sponsorship from members of the congregation, and the farmers are doing their bit by caring for them. The proceeds of the sale of all the lambs produced this year will go to the church.

Not only are quintuplet lambs very rare, but the Lent lambs, born the day after Palm Sunday, mean that there will be a larger than expected flock to auction in the autumn.

The ewe is one of two being cared for by Michael Southworth at Wood House Farm, Austwick, the instigator of the fundraising project.

"The sheep were bought with the help of retired farmer, Nelson Askew, and each of the ewes has been sponsored by a member of the congregation.

"We are hoping that we will get 30 or 40 lambs and hopefully raise £1,000 for the church," said Mr Southworth.

The cash raised will go to Austwick Church's organ appeal, or to the general funds at Eldroth and Keasden churches.

The Southworths' other ewe has had triplets meaning there will be eight lambs to sell from just two sheep.

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