Ben Frieze was among the star performers. The 16-year-old from Riddlesden achieved three A*'s, six A's and two B's. "I am a bit surprised but I am very happy," he says. Kay Langford, also 16, of Keighley gained two A's, seven B's and a C. "It's brilliant, I am so pleased," says Kay who hopes to become a primary school teacher.

Keith Morgan relayed his results to friends via mobile phone. "I am very happy," he told us as he held a three way conversation. He got two A's, five B's and an AB. He wants to study law.

Others who were at the top of the class were Katherine Smith with three A*'s, five A's and two B's, and Louise Greathead with an A*, six A's and two B's.

J Ahmed it* sc* en* el* fr gy* hi* ma rs*, E Allard sc en gh hi ma tn, A Bardgett sc en* el* fr* hi ma rs* so* tn, S Bolton ad sc en* el* fr* ma rs so*, J Bradley ad sc en* el* fr ma pe rs, M Broadbent sc en el gn ma pe rs so, K Broscombe sc en el gn hi ma rs so, G Brown ad* sc* en* el* fr* ma* rs* tn*, C Canning sc* en* el* fr* ma* pe* rs* tn*, A Capozio sc* en* el* fr* ma* pe* rs tn*, N Carter it* sc* en* el* fr* gn* ma rs* so*, B Charlton sc en gn hi ma pe tn, K Clarke ad it sc en* el fr hi ma rs, J Coleman sc en el hi ma rs so, S Condren sc en gn hi ma pe rs tn, N Connolly sc* en* el* fr* gn* ma* rs tn, D Cox ad* sc en* el fr ma* rs so* tn, L Cox it* sc en* el fr gy ma* pe rs, N Davidson sc* en* el* fr* hi* ma* rs* so* tn, L Degler ad* sc* en* el* fr* ma* mu* rs* tn*, G Denby ad* it* sc en* el* fr gy ma* rs, S Denby sc en* el gn hi ma so tn*, K Dexeter ad* sc* en* el* fr* ma* rs tn, C Di Cristofaro ad* sc* en* el* fr* ma* rs* tn*, C Driver ad it sc en el gn ma pe rs, S Duff sc en el fr gy ma mu rs tn.

G Ferguson sc en gn* hi ma pe rs tn, J Finn sc* en* el* fr ma* pe* rs* tn*, L Fish sc en gn hi ma pe, M Flaherty sc en fr gy ma, C Fothergill sc* en* el* fr hi* ma* rs* tn*, A Fradley sc* en* el* fr* ma* pe* rs* tn*, B Frieze sc** en* el* fr** ma* mu* rs* tn*, L Fyffe ad* it* sc* en* el* fr* ma* rs*, T Gilbert it sc en el fr gy ma* pe rs, S Gilligan sc* en* el* fr* hi* ma* rs* tn*, H Gott sc* en el* fr* gy hi* ma* rs* tn*, T Grainger sc* en gn* ma* mu, E Greasley sc en el gn ma rs, L Greathead sc* en* el* fr* hi** ma* rs* so* tn*, S Greenwood sc** en* el* fr* hi* ma** rs* so* tn*, K Hanif sc* tn* en* el* fr* ma* pe* rs* ur*, J Hanley it sc en* el fr ma pe rs so, M Hanson sc en fr hi ma so tn ap, R Harness sc en* el fr ma* pe rs so tn, O Hayhoe sc en fr hi ma pe rs tn, L Hodgson it* sc en* el* fr gy hi ma* rs, P Horton sc en gn hi ma pe tn, B Hutchinson sc en gn hi* ma pe tn.

C Ickringill rs* sc* en* el* fr* hi* ma* rs* tn*, K Imeson it sc en el fr gn ma* rs so, G Ingham ad it sc en* el fr ma* rs so, M Johnson ad it sc en el fr gn* ma* rs, C Jones sc en el fr gn gy ma, P Kelly sc en fr pe, M King ad sc en el fr hi ma rs tn, C Kus ad* en, S Lajszczuk sc en* el* gn* gy* hi ma* rs tn*, G Lam ad* it* sc* en* el fr gy* ma* rs, K Langford sc* en* el* fr* ma* gy* mu* rs* tn*, R Limb sc* en* el* fr* hi* gy* ma* rs tn*, G Ling it sc en* el fr ma* pe* rs so, R Lubomski ad* sc* en* el* fr* gy* ma* rs tn*, D Madden sc* en* el* gn* gy* hi* ma* rs* tn*.

L Maggs ad sc en fr gy ma, S Mahmood it* sc en* el* fr* ma* gy* pe rs*, C Mahon sc en fr gy ma, E Martins sc* en* el* fr** gn** hi** ma* rs* tn*, M McAndrew sc en fr gy hi ma rs tn*, D McCluskey sc en fr ma pe, N McGhee sc en gn gy hi ma* rs tn, B McKenna ad en fr tn, L McKenzie en fr hi, D McNulty sc* en el gn gy ma* pe* tn, M McNulty sc* en* el* fr* hi* ma* rs* so* tn*, N Melling ad* sc* el* en* fr* gy* ma* re*, P Middleton ad sc, A Milner sc en fr gn* hi* ma rs tn ap, J Minney sc en fr hi ma rs tn, M Mitchell sc en gn ma tn, K Morgan sc* en* el* fr* gn* ma* gy* rs tn*, S Morrall ad* sc* en* el* fr* gy* ma* tn*, S Mosley sc* en* el* fr* hi* gy* ma* rs* tn*.

N Nawaz it sc en el fr gy hi ma rs, G Packer it sc en* el* fr* ma pe* rs so, C Parker en ma so tn, M Parr ad sc en fr ma pe rs tn, G Paton sc en fr hi ma pe tn, S Pedder ad* sc* en* el fr ma rs so tn*, R Pickles sc en* el* fr gy* ma* pe* rs tn*, D Pumfrey sc* en* el* fr* ma* gy* mu rs* tn*, L Regan sc* en* el* fr* gy* hi* ma* rs* tn, J Riley sc en fr ma pe rs so, A Ruddock ad sc en fr ma so tn*, R Sattar sc* en* el* fr* gy* hi* ma*, D Scott sc en fr gy ma rs.

E Shackleton ad sc en el gn ma rs, O Shahzad sc en fr ma pe tn, L Shoesmith ad* it* sc* en* el* fr* gy* ma* rs*, B Simpson ad sc en el ma, K Smith ad* sc** en* el* fr** gy* ma* rs* tn*, D Soans ad it sc* en el* fr hi ma* rs, P Steere ad sc* en* el* gn* ma* rs* so* tn*, H Stott ad* sc en* el* fr gn ma* rs tn*, M Stowell sc en fr gy hi ma* rs tn ap.

R Tabori ad* sc* en* el* gy* fr ma* rs* tn*, E Thurgood ad* sc* en* el* fr* gy* ma* rs tn*, S Troth sc* en el fr hi ma* pe rs tn, R Vickers ad* sc* en* el* fr* hi* ma* rs* tn, S Wailes sc en fr ma mu rs so, S Walton sc en gn so, M Walworth sc* en* el* fr gy* hi* ma* rs* tn*, R Westhead ad sc en* el* fr ma* pe rs tn ap, L Wilkinson ad sc en* el fr gy ma rs tn, J Williamson it* sc* en el* gn gy* ma* pe rs, K Wilson ad, C Wright it* sc en* el* fr* gy* ma* pe rs*, A Wroot it sc en* el fr ma* pe* rs so.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.