Plans to replace a 15 metre-high communications mast with an even bigger one have been put on hold.

Members of Leeds Council's plans west sub-committee ignored the recommendation of officers to uphold the proposal in Bramhope, and demanded a site visit first.

International communication giants Mercury and Orange are bidding to share a 20 metre-high mast at the site near Creskeld Lane and say no other site in the area is suitable.

But Councillor Andrew Carter called for an outright refusal because of the increase in height.

"It is not just slightly higher. Five metres is 16 feet and I don't call that a small increase. I call it a considerable increase," he said.

"I don't think we can approve it. I would like it to be turned down and it can go to the Secretary of State to see what he thinks about it."

Coun Carter (Con, Pudsey North) said it was also unsuitable in the green belt and special landscape area off Creskeld Lane.

The plan, which includes added equipment such as microwave dishes, 12 antennae and a boundary fence, was also rejected by Bramhope and Arthington parish councils.

Committee chairman Jim McKenna (Lab, Armley) said a site visit was necessary if councillors were to turn the proposal down.

"We need to look at what we are doing because it is a special landscape area," he said.

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