Yorkshire opener Michael Vaughan will captain England A on their tour of Zimbabwe and South Africa.

Pudsey St Lawrence left-arm fast bowler Paul Hutchison is also in the A squad.

Darren Gough will be England's leading strike bowler on the Ashes tour, Chris Silver-wood is in the one-day squad for Bangladesh and Gavin Hamilton will travel to Australia for the World Supermax 8 series in Perth.

Vaughan said today: "I am absolutely delighted to have been given the job.

"I got a call from David Graveney yesterday asking me if I would be captain in Zimbabwe and South Africa and I was thrilled to accept."

Hamilton, who has abandoned thoughts of playing for his native Scotland in next year's World Cup, said: "I am delighted that something positive has come out of the summer and I regard this as a foot in the door of the England camp.

"I am only 23 and there is plenty of time for me to make the grade with England but I know very little about the Supermax 8 or how it is played."

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.