Views are being sought on council plans to spend £160,000 to upgrade Skipton's network of canal towpaths.

Working in partnership with British Waterways, Craven District Council have put together a package of improvements for the canal corridor.

But before any work can begin they want to know what Craven residents and visitors alike think of the proposed ideas and are planning to display the designs in Skipton Town Hall at the end of this month.

The scheme, which includes improving substantial parts of the canal corridor in and around the town centre, as well as from the town centre to Aireville Park, was discussed by the council's community services committee. The improvements will include new fencing, footbridges, better signing and the introduction of interpretation boards, better mooring facilities and an upgrading of 1.4km of the towpaths.

A representative from British Waterways said the plans to improve the towpaths included making them safe for pedestrians who used them to go to the shops and for children who used them to walk to school along the route to Aireville Park.

A council spokesman said: "There might also be the possibility of developing a site adjacent to the canal, in British Waterway's ownership, as a pocket play area, with possibly some public art."

Committee members unanimously agreed the plans would benefit the town. Coun Shelagh Marshall said: "I am very pleased with it. I think it will do a lot for central Skipton."

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