A massive bid to improve sports facilities has come under fire from residents living near land earmarked for floodlit all-weather pitches.

People living near Prince Henry's Grammar School in Otley are fighting the key feature of the lottery application - an all-weather multi-use games area - which they say will have an enormous impact on their homes.

The £1.6 million plan has been drawn up to redress the chronic lack of sports venues in the town. Leeds City Council has employed Manchester firm Strategic Leisure Ltd to put the bid together.

It includes the refurbishment of the school's Chippendale swimming pool, the sports hall, a smaller hall and the resurfacing of the tennis and netball courts. Changing rooms, a fitness suite and a social area are additional features.

The inclusion of the games area has sparked opposition from people in Oatlands Drive, Newall Hall and Newall Hall Park.

More than 100 signatures have been collected by residents opposed to the pitches, which will be open from 9am to 10pm, seven days a week.

Neil Best, of Newall Hall Park, said: "Certain houses are just 15 feet away from the edge of the pitch and just the noise, let alone the floodlighting, will be a serious nuisance."

But town and city Councillor John Eveleigh, who has developed the application with Leeds and Sports Council representatives, said the games area was essential for the whole scheme.''

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