A community development scheme is forging a series of pioneering partnerships with businesses in a bid to give the jobless a skills boost.

The Royds Community Association is linking up with employers in South West Bradford in an effort to reduce unemployment by training up individuals and offering them apprenticeships.

The scheme comes after a survey carried out by RCA involving 300 businesses highlighted job vacancies in Buttershaw, Woodside and Delph Hill but a lack of skills among local residents.

Royds economic development officer Andy Greenough explained: "Many local employers expressed a difficulty in recruiting qualified and skilled individuals from the local area. Providing skills for young people which are transferable and lead to future job opportunities is just one of the ways we are trying to bridge that gap in the local labour market."

The Royds physical regeneration strategy is a rolling programme to upgrade the three estates.

Bramall Construction Ltd is one contractor working on the development programme which is working closely with RCA to address the local skills shortage.

To date over 80 jobs have been created from the contract and, of these, around a third have been provided for Royds residents.

Now young people are being encouraged to come forward and take advantage of this opportunity to learn new skills and gain valuable work experience.

Apprenticeships in joinery, plumbing and decorating have already been made available.

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