Darren Gough, who missed Yorkshire's last six championship matches with a hamstring injury, yesterday proved himself to be in great shape for England's battle to win back the Ashes in Australia this winter.

The Yorkshire and England star strike bowler went through a series of rigorous fitness tests and medicals at Headingley in preparation for the tour - which starts on October 23 - and passed with flying colours.

He was put through his paces with other northern-based members of the full England squad as well as those who are in the England party for the Wills International Cup in Dhaka, Bangladesh, from October 24 to November 1.

The England A squad for Zimbabwe and South Africa, who are being led by Yorkshire's Michael Vaughan, will have their turn today, while similar 'clinics' are being held at Lord's and The Oval for the southern-based cricketers.

"I passed all of the tests, including some running, and I am looking forward to Australia - and a family holiday in Florida first," said Gough.

"I was just about fully fit the day before Yorkshire's last match of the season against Sussex at Hove but I think it is wrong to go into a first class game without any match practice first.

"In any case, Yorkshire's other fast bowlers have been doing so well there was no need for me to play, especially with the pitches being like they were and games not going beyond three days.

"England and Wales Cricket Board chief executive Tim Lamb has just said we will win the Ashes this winter and if the boss says that then we have a chance.

"It will be difficult because Australia are to international cricket what Leicestershire are to the championship and that is simply the best team and one which loses only very occasionally.

"The tour is spread over 17 weeks, which is a long time for a fast bowler.

"But I am hoping I can stay fit until the end and not have to return home early as I did when we were in Australia four years' ago and I suffered a stress fracture in my foot.

"We will have a lot of fast bowlers out there, however, and that is a bonus, because I probably won't have to play in too many games in between the Test matches.

"I have been well looked after this summer and the pressure has been eased on me through Yorkshire having so many other bowlers to call upon and they have all done an excellent job."

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