A naughty pooch who likes to snack on knickers and tights, bit off more than he could chew when he swallowed a tea towel.

Monty, the Golden Retriever, successfully underwent major surgery to remove the Egyptian pictured cloth lodged in his intestine.

The incident occurred after a doggie tug-of-war with brother Wellington.

Monty scoffed the majority of the foot-long towel and his two-and-a-half-year-old brother Wellington gobbled the rest. But only Monty ended up in the dog house.

The 11-month-old pup was rushed to the White Cross Veterinary Hospital in Bradford Road, Guiseley, after being violently sick.

Worried owner Helen Senior, of Eccleshill, said her pup was x-rayed and operated on immediately. But she could hardly contain her surprise when surgeon Andrew Tartaglia produced the foot-long cloth.

Mrs Senior said: "Monty just likes to eat everything, He's been through dozens of socks and even my daughter's knickers.

"He likes a bit of tug of war with Wellington and I presume he just scoffed the towel."

Vet Mr Tartaglia said he encounters objects in the intestines or gut on a regular basis - particularly in young dogs and puppies.

He said: "I guess the towel was stuck in the intestine between 24 and 48 hours.

"Dogs can die if foreign objects remain in the intestine for some time.

"But we are so glad Monty has made a full recovery. I'm sure he will be off tea towels from now on," he said.

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