Guiseley School is to be one of the first in the country to get a heap of new computer equipment.

Through its special school status, it is to undertake a pilot project which will see a £10,000 ;investment which will bring screened Internet provision, extensive e-mail facilities and video conferencing.

Speaking at the school's prize-giving ceremony, headmaster Tony Thornley also revealed it has been asked to be a regional centre for the government's programme to improve IT training for teachers.

Mr Thornley said: "The project will give us wide band access outside the school.

"In the long term, the facilities are extremely important for the school. The future lies in easier and effective communication and the ability among children to search for information and to know where to find it."

"We've also been asked to act as one of the training centres for the government's programme to improve IT training for teachers."

Mr Thornley added that, although the training programme will not come into being before April next year, teachers from across the region will come to Guiseley School to learn and improve on their skills.

In his speech Mr Thornley said the past year had again been successful in many directions.

Results had again been excellent, with the school well up the lists of top comprehensives and the A level results placing the school in the top 20 state comprehensives. Staff dedication, put together with hard work and positive attitudes from students, lay at the root of these successes.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.