A last-ditch attempt is being made to prevent expansion by an Ilkley garage as archaeologists complete their report on the historic site to be built on.

Workers from the West Yorkshire Archaeology Service are carrying out exploratory digs in Lower Castle Yard, Ilkley.

But Victor Hatton, whose home backs on to Castle Yard, said he could soon be bringing legal action to prevent the extension plan by Glovers Garage.

Mr Hatton has engaged lawyer Simon Young, of Leeds legal firm Hammond Suddards, to examine the title deeds of the properties in the area.

Mr Young said he was investigating the possibility of getting an injunction to prevent the extension on the grounds it would encroach on Mr Hatton's property.

Mr Hatton, who lives in a terrace house in Castle Hill with his elderly mother, said: "We don't want a wall right in front of our back window.''

Paul Bourgeois, managing director of Glovers Garage, was given planning permission to extend the premises after a public inquiry earlier this year.

Ralph Stocks, of Dodd Frankland Stocks Partnership Ltd who commissioned the archaeological survey on behalf of Glovers Garage, said: "Nothing significant has been found but we are awaiting the report from the West Yorkshire Archaeological Service.''

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