Bradford firm Otter Water Sports is expanding by marketing its drysuits across the World Wide Web.

The company, which works with its sister firm Divers Warehouse, receives 1,000 visits every week from around the world to an interactive website.

The technology has helped Otter Water Sports based at Otter Buildings, Douglas Mills, Bowling Old Lane to explore new depths of the global market, with interest over the internet coming from as far as New Zealand, USA and Scandinavia.

The company, whose managing director is John Womack, exports 80 per cent of the diving equipment and clothing it manufactures.

An on-line ordering form at the Divers Warehouse site allows customers to buy items from anywhere in the world. Mr Womack, a qualified instructor with 29 years of diving experience, set up the family business ten years ago. The firm started life in the upstairs room of an old mill, but within two years had expanded to occupy the entire building.

Five years ago, the business relocated to make room for a growing staff and today 23 workers produce more than 3,000 dry suits a year. The company is looking to recruit more employees and expand its premises.

Mr Womack said he was eager to embrace information technology. In addition to the website the firm is using e-mail, database technology, electronic accounting procedures, and is looking at using video-conferencing to communicate with international clients.

Mr Womack sought advice from the Bradford Local Support Centre, based in the Business Link offices at Mercury House. This is a local resource for small businesses funded by the Government-led ISI Programme for Business.

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