Bradford City will learn today whether Gareth Whalley can play in Saturday's clash with Swindon.

The midfielder is one of the Republic of Ireland players involved in the tug-of-war between English clubs and the Football Association of Ireland over international call-ups.

The dispute raged on yesterday despite efforts by FIFA to urge compromise between the two sides.

City, Charlton, Leeds, Wimbledon, Liverpool, Newcastle, Manchester United and Blackburn are calling for players involved in Ireland's Euro 2000 qualifier against Yugoslavia next Wednesday to be allowed to play this Saturday.

They argue that the FAI and the Yugoslav FA should have given them 14 days' notice of the players' call-ups, while the governing bodies insist that only five days are required.

FIFA, the world governing body, attempted to intercede in the row yesterday by urging the FAI and Yugoslav FA to compromise by allowing the players to join their international squads on Saturday evening.

The letter sent to the two football associations spoke of reaching a "pragmatic solution" and of developing a "flexible approach".

FIFA spokesman Keith Cooper confirmed: "We have suggested a way around the problem and will wait to see what reaction there is from the parties concerned."

But the FIA are standing firm.

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