Fundraiser Rachel Duncan has boosted a new campaign for Kosovo by successfully completing her first parachute jump.

She leapt from 3,500ft after six hours of training and has raised £550 for the new group Bradford Aid for Kosova, which takes its name from the Albanian spelling of the war-torn region of the former Yugoslavia.

Rachel, who works as a waitress at the Love Apple Caf in Great Horton Road, Bradford, said: "Doing the jump was brilliant. Up until recently I always thought there was no way I would do anything like that but it was fantastic. It was a beautiful day, quite warm and the rush of falling at 70mph was amazing."

She is one of a group of volunteers who hope to take a convoy of aid to Kosovo next month to help the victims of the conflict there.

"There is an appeal for donations of aid and we are also looking for funds to pay for diesel and other costs and to get a lorry," said Rachel.

Forthcoming fundraising events include a concert featuring indie rock bands Nursery and Indiqa at the 1 in 12 Club in Albion Street, Bradford at 8pm tonight and a Trans Techno club night with DJ Flux at the New Beehive cellar bar in Westgate, Bradford, from 9pm to 1am on November 19. Tickets for both are £3 on the door.

The Love Apple is also running a promotion until November 2 when £5 from every set meal for two will be donated to the appeal.

And there will be a street sale outside Waterstones in the Wool Exchange, Bradford, from 11am to 4pm on Saturday.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.