World motor cycle trials champion Dougie Lampkin moved on from Spain to Italy last Friday after winning the international arena trial at Castelon ahead of Spanish ace Mark Colomer.

Lampkin motored to Barcelona with Steve Colley, who didn't take part in the Spanish event, then jetted to Rome and on to Torino, where Colley turned on the style to win the opening two-lap Saturday programme.

The 22-year-old Lampkin, on his GP Beta machine, then fought off a stiff challenge from Colley to notch the best performance in the two-day arena event in Torino.

Lampkin won the first part of Saturday night's event, with Colley taking the second lap of the contest. Final results were based on world trial regulations in the event of a tie, so Sunday's performance was vital and Lampkin ran away with the winner's trophy after taking both qualifying laps from a fired-up Colley.

The organisers went over the top with a section known as 'The Big Step'. ''It was 3.5 metres vertical and impossible. We all decided that it was not on, so that section was taken out," said Dougie.

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