Shops and businesses stepping back in time for Otley Victorian Fayre are being urged to take part in fancy dress and window competitions.

Organisers hope more town centre people than ever will dress up and decorate windows on Friday, December 11. But not everyone remembers to enter the competitions, according to coordinator Natalie Henderson.

"They are an important part of the day," she said. "Last year there were a number of shop windows that somebody had taken a lot of time and effort to dress up for Christmas, but sadly had not been entered - which was a great shame."

Anyone yet to receive a competition form should contact Natalie on (0113) 2391470.

Tickets go on sale this weekend at Safeways in Otley on Saturday, and Stephen Smiths, Pool Road, on Sunday.

A host of prizes has been donated for the raffle, including a year's full membership to Otley's World Class Sports and Fitness Club, given by owner James Iwenjiora, for the first ticket drawn.

Julie Cook, committee member, said: "James has also given a cash sum that will enable us to give a more substantial amount to the Breast Cancer Action Research Group at Leeds General Infirmary, which is this year's beneficiary of the Fayre."

Other goods in the raffle are a Silver Cross dolls pushchair, a Christmas hamper, a meal voucher from Harry Ramsdens and drinks aplenty.

Mrs Cook is also appealing for volunteers to escort performing schoolchildren to the venues during the day. Anyone who can help should contact her on (01943) 463999.

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