Otley Chamber of Trade may launch a petition against Government proposals to charge food retailers £90 a year to fund a new Food Standards Agency.

It is feared small traders could be driven out of business because they will be forced to pay the same as big supermarkets.

Chamber president Tonia Hearne criticised plans to burden traders with the task of funding the agency.

She said: "I don't agree with it because the small corner shop is going to suffer. Why isn't it funded by the Government? We have enough taxes and rates."

She added: "I am in favour of creating the Bill, but not in favour of retailers paying for it. It's the duty of the Government to do that."

Now she has pledged to ask traders to sign a petition against the move if they are strongly opposed to it.

She is backed by Tony Middlemiss, of Geo Middlemiss butchers, who said: "It's probably a good idea to have a food standards agency but they will replicate what the Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food do. They are just juggling a few civil servants about and transferring the cost on to the public."

John Mills, owner of The Runner Bean green grocers, added: "The one thing that struck me is that the bigger shops will pay the same, and I think it's unfair."

He fears the public could abandon fresh produce in favour of processed foods.

But Keith Pinder, who owns the Real Food Shop in Orchard Gate, believes that tough measures are needed to tackle foods which are below standard.

He said: "If people actually saw how a lot of processed foods were being prepared they would have a big shock. There's a need for something to be done, but it should not be funded by the retailers."

The move has been welcomed by Harold Best, MP for Leeds North West, who believes it will restore public confidence in food safety standards.

Mr Best added: "The proposal is not necessarily going to be in the same shape or form as it is now. I will be welcoming the views of traders now and throughout the whole process."

A spokesman for the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food said consumers' interests would be protected because the agency would function independently of Government departments.

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