Labour MP for Ilkley Ann Cryer is writing to local firms and employers' organisations to stress the importance of using people of all ages.

"Your much-too-old, much-too- young attitude will be a thing of the past in the company of tomorrow," said Mrs Cryer, reacting to the Government's 'Code of Good Practice for Age Diversity in Employment.'

"The code really shows how a company can get the best results by ensuring people of all ages get the chance of work."

By 2000 more than 35 per cent of the labour force will be aged over 45 and this figure will increase to almost 40 per cent in 2010, presenting a challenge to preconceptions about age and employment, said the MP.

She said: "I want to demonstrate to local businesses in particular that it is in their interest to have age diversity in employment. It is good for profits and good for productivity."

The code gives tips on all recruitment, selection, promotion, training and development, redundancy and retirement.

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