Horse tack valued at almost £6,000 has been grabbed in raids on three stables.

Detectives believe the burglaries over six days on livery stores in Addingham, Harden and Eldwick could have been carried out by the same gang.

In the first swoop on a livery store overnight on January 27 in Bolton Road, Addingham, burglars forced a padlock on a stable and snatched seven saddles valued at £3,515.

Two nights later, burglars forced the padlock on a wooden building in Alter Lane, Harden, and snatched equestrian equipment such as rugs and horse collars valued at £644.

Burglars struck again during the day on February 1 at a stable in Heights Lane, Eldwick, forcing a door and stealing three saddles valued at £1,900.

Anyone interested in joining Horsewatch, a protection scheme, should phone 01535 617041. People with information about the thefts should contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.

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