A bid to create more large-scale development sites in the district is being made by the city's Chamber of Commerce.

One of Bradford's major problems in attracting new companies is the shortage of large enough sites to accommodate a new business.

The Chamber is negotiating with Bradford Council to extend some of the sites in the district by using its compulsory purchasing powers to acquire extra land adjacent to the areas firms are looking at.

Former president Wilf Shaw said he knew of two bankers who had dealt with firms wanting to move to the city but who could not find large enough sites to develop their businesses.

Derek O'Hearne, chairman of the Chamber's business development committee, said: "We ought to be pushing for the Council to use its compulsory purchasing ability to open up more sites as too many firms are put off coming to the city because of the shortage."

He said the issue had been raised with Dave West from the Council's Economic Initiatives Division.

"We will be having another meeting with Richard Willoughby and Alan Mainwaring from the Council's regeneration department to hear what they have to say about it," he added.

Bradford Council leader Councillor Ian Greenwood said: "We have looked at the compulsory purchase issue before and it is not something I am keen on. But we will listen to what the Chamber has to say and consider any proposals that come out of their meetings."

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