Motor Sport: Dougie Lampkin takes on the arena trials stars this weekend in round three of the world arena championship series.

And barring disaster, he should increase his lead in the title chase over the unfortunate Davide Cobos who now faces three months of inactivity following his Amneville crash last week.

Cobos shattered a knee and broke the same leg in the event, which also saw Japanese firecracker Takahisa Fujinami winging his way home.

And with Kenichi Kuroyama suffering a double wrist injury at Sheffield, the field is clear for Lampkin, Spaniard Marc Colomer and Brits Steve Colley and Graham Jarvis to battle it out on Sunday night in the huge St Jordi Stadium in Barcelona.

The world motor cycle trials champion is fresh from his French triumph in Lyon on Friday night, winning his fourth international arena trial this month.

The 22-year-old Yorkshireman swept through the programme, watched by a capacity 5,000 screaming, air-horn blowing French enthusiasts, completing the qualifying runs and the grand final without losing a single penalty mark.

In the first runs Fujinami and former world champion Colomer mounted the pressure then Fujinami came good in the final to beat Colomer by just one penalty.

The organisers followed the established format of six sections, comprising giant gas cylinders, concrete pipes, log towers, cable reels and an opening 14 feet high steel tower.

As the trial was not a world qualifier all the riders rode the course twice but in reverse direction for the second attempt. Fujinami failed the cable reels and lost five marks but fortunes switched in favour of 'Fujigas' when Colomer failed the gas bottle section on the second runs.

Results: 1 Dougie Lampkin (UK) Beta 0; 2 Takahisa Fujinami (Jpn) Honda 6; 3 Marc Colomer (Spn) Montesa 7; 4 Steve Colley (Isle of Man) Gas Gas 10; 5 Bruno Camozzi (Fr) Gas Gas 13; 6 Marcel Justribo (Spn) Montesa 16.

Bradford Motor Club officials Kath Eddings and Allison Lancaster were shell-shocked last week when 170 riders turned up at Grassington for a trial but Angela Sunter of the Richmond Motor Club managed to deal with a colossal 108 riders at Marske on Sunday morning and her nimble fingers clicked out total results on her computer in record time later that evening.

Askrigg motor mechanic Phil Alderson was the top expert ahead of Martyn Alderson, no relation, but who works for Phil at his family garage.

At Commondale, just inland from Whitby, East Keswick brothers Ben and Dan Hemingway almost made it a family double at the John Hardaker national trial.

Rosdale student, and fellow Team Beta rider Ian Austermuhle split the siblings to make it a Beta landslide.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.