Police divers were today re-searching the river at Otley as fears mounted for the safety of missing man Jonathan Danskin.

Mr Danskin, 28, fled into the Wharfe after the car he was travelling in was stopped by police concerned about the way it was being driven in Newall Close, just after 3.30am on Sunday.

The river between Otley and Pool was searched on Sunday and Monday. No trace was found of the self-employed joiner.

Police believe he may be laying low, but have stressed no action will be taken against him in connection with Sunday's incident.

Inspector Gary Parker, of Weetwood police, said they were re-checking the river, riverbank and surrounding area, including woodland and disused buildings.

He said: "We made a lot of inquiries with friends and family and in local places yesterday but they all drew a blank.

"Nobody's seen or heard from him since Sunday and we're getting more concerned for him.''

Mr Danskin's worried mother Winifred, of Otley, has said the family fears the worst but she was clinging to the hope that her son got out of the river.

Anyone with information about Mr Danskin should call Weetwood police on (0113) 2413459.

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