Senior bosses at a Bradford double glazing firm have been arrested during a raid by Customs and Excise officers involved in a VAT inquiry.

More than 15 members of the National Investigation Service accompanied by police arrived at the Wharfe Street headquarters of Safestyle (UK) yesterday armed with a search warrant.

A simultaneous operation was mounted at the Barnsley base of Windowstyle UK, which manufactures and supplies windows to Safestyle (UK).

An NIS spokesman said computer software and a quantity of documents were taken away for examination and investigation and five men were arrested.

"The officers executed search warrants on the premises in connection with a VAT inquiry potentially involving a substantial amount of money," he said. It is understood the investigation involves several hundreds of thousands of pounds.

The five helping NIS officers are: Mitu Misra, in charge of Safestyle (UK) sales; managing director John Ross; operations director Mark Anderson; company secretary Peter Haigh and Paul Faulkner, director of Windowstyle UK.

The five have been bailed to reappear at police stations in Bradford and Leeds in the week beginning March 22.

For a number of years Safestyle (UK) has extensively used a TV advertising campaign featuring former Coronation Street star Ken Morley - better known as supermarket boss Reg Holdsworth - to promote itself. According to Companies House, Safestyle (UK) current turnover stands at £27.3 million.

Safestyle (UK) is the trading name of HPAS Ltd and has grown rapidly since it was formed in Bradford in 1993.

It now has 25 branches and directly employs more than 200 staff.

Today a statement from Safestyle (UK) said: "Safestyle (UK) can confirm that the three employees and two others who were yesterday questioned by HM Customs and Excise officers in relation to a VAT investigation have been released without charge.

"It is at this stage unclear to Safestyle (UK) precisely the nature of the VAT investigation although Safestyle (UK) is co-operating fully with the investigation throughout.

"Safestyle (UK)'s normal business operations are unaffected and Safestyle (UK) continues to trade as normal. Safestyle (UK) will work closely with HM Customs and Excise to resolve any outstanding issues without disruption to the excellent service that Safestyle (UK) offers its customers."

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