A grandmother of a man accused of murdering his best friend told a jury how he gave her a tearful account of the stabbing.

Shirley Sykes said her grandson Ricky Sykes , 23, arrived at her daughter's flat and told her: "I can't believe what I've done grandma. I can't believe what I've done.''

Mrs Sykes said her grandson was crying and very distressed when she asked him what had happened. "He said, 'I've stabbed my best mate','' Mrs Sykes told the jury at Bradford Crown Court.

"He said he had stabbed Cadey. He said when he looked at him it didn't look too bad. He stayed until the ambulance came and asked the ambulancemen. They said, 'It's alright, he'll be alright'.''

Sykes told his grandmother that there had been an argument, but gave no explanation for it. He mentioned the name of his girlfriend Sharon Gallagher, but Mrs Sykes said she could not remember in what context that was said.

Sykes borrowed money off his grandmother so he could get a taxi back to Miss Gallagher's house to collect his methadone and while he was away she contacted his mother, Barbara.

After she arrived at the flat they persuaded Sykes to give himself up to the police and they all walked back to Miss Gallagher's home in Broadstone Way, Holme Wood.

En route Sykes' mother telephoned the police and they arrived at the house shortly after Sykes and his family.

Barbara Sykes told the jury that she had contacted the police because of what had happened to 20-year-old James Cade and because she feared her son would kill himself the next day when he realised what he had done.

Sykes, of Landscove Avenue, Holme Wood, has admitted the manslaughter of the father-of-one, but has pleaded not guilty to the murder allegation.

Mr Cade, of Kelbrook House, Holme Wood, was taken to hospital after being stabbed in the stomach last May.

The trial continues.

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