You've heard of the Duke of Devonshire, Marquess of Bath and Duke of Westminster. But how about Lord of the Manor of Manningham?

The feudal title for one of Bradford's down-to-earth suburbs is being sold by an American woman and is expected to fetch at least £8,250 at auction.

Steve Johnson, administrator of Manorial Auctioneers in London, said the mystery owner was selling the Manningham title - created more than 900 years ago - and wanted to acquire a new title.

"She lives in America, but her family originally came from Yorkshire," he said.

Mr Johnson stressed the area had a colourful past and the title was set up after the Norman invasion in 1066.

He said: "Manningham as a manor dates back to the Norman Conquest and is even mentioned in the Domesday Book. The title will never die out because it can be sold, passed on or left in a will. It does not have to follow a bloodline."

He could not speculate on what type of person would want to snap up the title, but said: "All sorts of people buy them," he said. Some people have them because they have an interest in preserving the past. Others actually use it and you can also put it on your passport, credit card and bank book.

"People have told me when they present their passport with their feudal title they automatically get upgraded at airports."

Councillor Stanley King (Con, Heaton) has been Lord of the Manor of Heaton since 1963 when he acquired the title from a Heaton man who had held it since 1912.

He said anyone who snapped up the Manningham title could give the area a lift.

"It is a prestigious title and is part of the city's ancient heritage." he said. "I hope a local person buys it."

He said of his own title: "It's something of an institution. I take part in various events and attend things like shop openings."

Life peer Baroness Thornton of Manningham - who chose her title because it was the place where she grew up - joined the House of Lords last year. She said: "I regard the title as part of the job." Call Manorial Auctioneers on 0171 582 1588 for details.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.