Plans to convert historic stables in the centre of Otley into homes for the elderly have been submitted to Leeds City Council.

The Grade II listed 18th Century Manor House stables are badly dilapidated, have a temporary roof - after many of the stone slates were stolen - and have no foundations.

But now a housing association hopes to turn the stables and adjoining barn into four homes and build another two flats to make an attractive courtyard complex for the elderly.

The association plans to use the original roof slates, which have been stored, and create six new homes, retaining as far as possible the style of the stables.

David Shireby, development manager for applicant, the North British Housing Association, said discussions had gone on for a long time with Leeds planning officers to come up with a suitable scheme.

The stables, which it is believed were built by architect John Carr, the designer of Harewood House, have been empty for some time.

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