This is the woman police believe shared a hotel room with missing toddler Daniel Grimshaw after he was snatched from his mum.

Detectives investigating the youngster's kidnapping today released the e-fit of a woman who could hold the key to his safe return.

It is believed she stayed in a British hotel with 16-month-old Daniel soon after he was snatched from his mother Amy on November 9 last year - though officers have yet to locate the hotel.

But detectives today admitted there is still no clear evidence to suggest Daniel is still in Britain, or that he has been taken to Pakistan. They are appealing to hoteliers to come forward if they recognise the woman, or some complimentary toiletries which have been recovered.

Meanwhile, Daniel's distraught family are offering a £5,000 reward for his return.

Daniel was snatched from his pram in Wrose, Bradford, as his mother Amy walked home from a Christmas shopping trip.

Two months on his devastated family are putting up the cash for information.

Amy Grimshaw, 18, said today: "We have tried everything else and are hoping this will provide a breakthrough."

An update on Daniel's abduction will be featured on the BBC's Crimewatch UK programme tonight.

Detectives investigating Daniel's disappearance are trying to trace the source of the sample-sized toiletries of the type provided in hotel rooms.

Senior investigating officer Chief Superintendent Stuart Hyde said the soap, shampoo and bubble bath of the brand Bienvenue, Paris, appear to come from a hotel. They were recovered from a woman from the Bradford area who has since been interviewed by police.

Ch Supt Hyde said: "We are appealing to hoteliers who use this brand and who had a woman and a toddler fitting Daniel's description staying with them shortly after November 9 to contact us."

Police have already released a photograph of the youngster's estranged father Murzhar Mahmood, who is still missing from his Eccleshill home and has been spotted in Pakistan since the kidnapping.

Daniel is described as of mixed race with dark brown hair and brown eyes. The woman is described as of Asian appearance, around 5ft 4ins tall, with dark hair short on top and longer at the back, wearing large glasses.

Ch Supt Hyde is also appealing for a woman who has contacted him on two occasions via the Eccleshill incident room to get in touch again.

Anyone with information can speak to police at Eccleshill in confidence on Bradford 376059.

TV appeal over Mary's killing

The hunt for the killer of a Shipley housewife, which now spans four decades, will be the subject of a nationwide television appeal tonight.

A reconstruction of events leading up to 38-year-old Mary Gregson's death in August 1977 and ensuing search for her murderer will be shown on the BBC's Crimewatch UK programme.

Mrs Gregson was strangled and sexually assaulted as she walked along the towpath of the Leeds-Liverpool Canal at Saltaire. Her body was found the next morning.

The case was re-opened in September last year after advanced DNA techniques gave police a genetic profile of the killer.

Her body was found in the River Aire near Salt's Mill, a few hundred yards from the cottage in Jane Hills she shared with her husband Bill and 11-year-old son Michael.

The murder case is one of the oldest reconstructions carried out by the Crimewatch team and detectives working on the inquiry hope the nationwide appeal will prove to be a vital breakthrough.

Detective Chief Superintendent Brian Taylor said: "The Inland Revenue premises were being built near to the scene of the murder and we know that many of the people working on the site came from different parts of the country."

Anyone with information about the murder can contact the Shipley incident room on (01274) 537422 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.