A company set up to revive historic Little Germany is to make the restoration of fire ravaged Eastbrook Hall a top priority.

The pledge came as the company which bought the hall three years ago revealed today it was now seeking a partner to redevelop the eyesore building standing on the edge of Little Germany.

Edinburgh-based Aldersgate Estates originally said it was planning a development at the hall which could include offices, apartments and restaurants.

Last October the company was said to be on the verge of making an announcement about a development.

But today Aldersgate director Alan McMahon said: "We are now looking for a partner, but we haven't been successful so far. We are talking to a number of local developers and trying to get them interested."

He stressed it was not a funding problem but said the project was bigger than anticipated.

Mr McMahon said they were now considering restoring the building solely as offices. "We are still confident that we can develop it."

The news comes just days before the launch of Little Germany as an Urban Village. The aim is to create a vibrant village by bringing in more residents, jobs, restaurants and leisure projects.

Fire swept through the Grade II listed building three years ago. The building - dubbed in its heyday the Methodists' Northern Cathedral - has been empty since 1996 and schemes to renovate it have fallen through.

It was built in 1904 with a 2,200 seating capacity and formed the centre of Methodist worship in the city. Aldersgate bought it for £500,000 in spite of its condition and said it intended to redevelop it, keeping ornate features which had survived the blaze.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.