Forgetful Romeos rejoice - an ingenious Bradford businessman may have come up with the answer to all your prayers.

There is nothing quite like an overlooked Valentine's Day, wedding anniversary or birthday to plunge a loving relationship on to the rocks of confrontation.

Sharp-witted teenage entrepreneur Tanveer Iqbal has seized upon this fact and now hopes to net his first million pounds from it.

The 19-year-old, along with friend and business colleague Mark Egan, has launched the Celebrations Direct website - a hi-tech saviour for those in the habit of forgetting that magic date.

The idea behind the company is fiendishly simple but effective.

Clients log on to the firm's website and list all the potential trouble-spots on their calendar - the wedding anniversary, Mother's Day, dad's birthday etc.

Managing director Tanveer, of St Margaret's Place, Little Horton explains: "Once they have done this they can sit back and leave all the rest to us."

Shortly before the selected dates, clients receive a tip-off in time to put preparations into place. "We call them on their mobile phone because this is much more discreet than a home number," said Tanveer.

Indeed, the fledgling firm seem to have everything covered. Having established links with companies such as Interflora and Thornton's, it can arrange the delivery of flowers and chocolates to either the client or their loved ones.

"There is no charge or obligation with the reminder service. Clients pay the regular rate for the things such as flowers and chocolates and we receive commission," said Tanveer.

The former hairdresser said he and Mark, 19, from Cookridge, Leeds, had saved the £3,500 needed to launch the firm. Adverts are set to appear in forthcoming issues of men's magazines such as FHM and GQ.

The ambitious Bradford-born businessman said: "The rolling pin is well and truly confined to the history books.

"Mobile phones and the Internet are the fastest emerging forms of communication. I just wanted a project which would harness the power of both of these."

The two young hopefuls enlisted the services of a top market research firm before taking the plunge with the project.

The findings revealed that 30 per cent of those approached had recently forgotten a birthday or anniversary. Tanveer said: "I am very ambitious. I will see how this goes before moving on to something else."

The website address is

Meanwhile, lonely hearts combined a night of shopping and romance in the run-up to Valentine's Day at the ASDA store on Knowles Lane, Bradford.

Shoppers were invited to check-out for love at a singles night, with the promise of cinema tickets for those who found their perfect partner. Arriving at the supermarket, they were given name badges such as Tarzan or Eve and sent down the aisles to find their Jane and Adam.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.