Cullingworth parish councillors have officially opened a new footpath in the village.

Members were on hand to oversee the opening of the pathway and street lighting along Manywells Brow that has been financed with £74,800 from the landfill tax credit scheme.

The honour of cutting the ribbon fell to parish council chairman Councillor John Brigg.

He said: "It was a dangerous road before because there was no footway or lighting and at night it was like driving into a black wall.

"This has made the approach to the village much safer and it has provided a safe pedestrian link between Cullingworth and Denholme."

Joining the parish councillors were Molly and Barry Rushworth, who donated the land and the pathway, surveyor John Moxon from contractors Tarmac and Kevin Whitaker from Bradford Council's highways department who acted as agent and clerk of works on the project.

Bingley Rural Conservative councillor Simon Cooke, Vincent Cooke from Bradford Environmental Action Trust and representatives from Wastepoint Ltd were also present. A reception was held at the Five Flags Hotel.

The project is the biggest to be sanctioned by Bradford Environmental Action Trust (BEAT) which decides where landfill tax cash is distributed.

Other features include a seat placed halfway up the path, a stone plinth and a time capsule filled with items relating to village life in 1999.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.