The mystery surrounding Commonwealth boxing champion Bobby Vanzie's next opponent has finally been resolved.

With just days to go before his lightweight defence tops the bill at Aston Villa Leisure Centre on Monday, Vanzie has learned his challenger will be Paul Kaoma.

Ranked fifth in the Commonwealth, the Gambian looks set to prove one of the toughest tests to date for the Bradford boxer, who also holds the British crown and is ranked fourth in the country with 17 wins behind Billy Schwer, Michael Ayers and Colin Dunne.

"We don't know much about him yet, other than that he's an orthodox boxer, but my trainer is going to get a video of him this week and we will sit down and work out how to go about beating him," said Vanzie.

"I thought the fight would be called off but promoter Barry Hearn pulled through and it has turned out all right."

But Vanzie said the delay in securing an opponent would not set him back too heavily, having experienced a similar scenario in the past.

"It has been hard training and getting up for a fight with a mystery man because you don't know what to expect.

"But when I won the Commonwealth title we didn't get the name of my opponent until two weeks before so it's a situation that I'm used to," he said.

"I have been keeping 100 per cent focused because I have always known that this was going to be a tough fight. Thankfully the fight comes so soon after my match with Stephen Smith that my fitness was already quite good.

"I have also been concentrating on my footwork because in this fight I will be using all my boxing skills.

"My last fight was a battling display but now I want to showcase my full range and show what I'm capable of."

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