An investigation has been launched into events leading up to the death of a joiner after he was arrested on suspicion of being drunk in charge of a car.

The body of Graham Mark Houldsworth, 42, of Weston Lane, Otley, was discovered hanging in woodland near Norwood, North Yorkshire, on December 9 last year.

Harrogate Coroner's Court heard yesterday Mr Houldsworth had been arrested the previous day on suspicion of being drunk in charge of a car.

Coroner Jeremy Cave said a post mortem examination revealed the medical cause of Mr Houldsworth's death was asphyxiation due to hanging, but there was not enough evidence to conclude whether his death was an accident or suicide.

He ruled out any foul play and recorded an open verdict.

Mr Houldsworth's wife has lodged an official complaint to the police about events following her husband's arrest, which has been passed to the Police Complaints Authority.

At the inquest, custody officers Sergeant Kim Allen and Sergeant Craig Linton, of Harrogate Police, said they had had no reason to be concerned about Mr Houldsworth, as he had appeared calm while at the station.

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