Organisers of Otley Show are looking forward to a successful start to the Millennium despite the crises in the agricultural industry.

The 192nd event this Saturday has almost 2,800 entries from hundreds of exhibitors. Entries in the sheep, cattle, pygmy goat and handicrafts sections are up on last year, and attractions include a medieval falconry display, ferret racing and gundog scurry.

The show, founded in 1796, is well-established as the largest one-day agricultural event in the North, and also the first major show of the year. It had faced uncertainty following a decision to close Bridge End Auction Mart where the show is held. However, the new owners of the land gave permission for it to continue this year and next.

Show secretary Janet Raw said: "It's been a very difficult few years for the farming industry financially. The farmers have more and more to do, yet so many local farmers are still involved with Otley Show and everyone has put a tremendous amount of effort into it."

The number of cattle entered in the show is up this year, and the section will boast 14 breeds. Unusual breeds appearing include Kerry, Irish Moiled, Gloucester, Belted Galloway and Red Poll cattle, along with Dairy Shorthorns, which were exhibited at the first show.

Numbers of sheep are up, and the highlight of the section will be the first visit of Wensleydale Sheep, once thought to be extinct. The pigeon sections are booming, and the horse classes continue to be the best supported in the show.

Many of the classes serve as qualifiers for national level shows, and the shire sections include a qualifier for the Horse of the Year Show at Wembley.

Produce and handicrafts classes will be on display throughout the day, and visitors will be able to see farriers competing and hear Lofthouse and Middlesmoor Silver Band.

But the highlight could be the performance of medieval falconry on horseback by The Hawkmaster. The event will take place in the main ring at 12.15pm.

For families, there will be swing boats, flight simulators, roundabouts, and a hawk and owl display. Eccup Donkey Sanctuary will have donkeys at the show and visitors can enter dogs in an exemption dog show, which begins at 3.30pm.

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