The nature of Bradford Congress remains a mystery to many people. They hear or see its name from time to time but haven't much idea of what it is or does. In fact, for most ordinary Bradfordians the only time the Bradford Congress has impinged on their consciousness was when it brought in the Commission which looked into the Manningham disturbances.

Yet this is a high-powered organisation with members drawn from the Council, Bradford Breakthrough, West Yorkshire Police, Bradford Health Authority, the TEC and Bradford and Shipley Colleges. As the body chiefly responsible for submitting bids to the Government for regeneration projects, it has a vital role to play.

And that role has become even more important as the Congress takes over responsibility for 2020 Vision, the major blueprint to take Bradford through the first two decades of the new millennium.

For 2020 Vision to stand its best chance of succeeding, it needs to be able to attract the support of Bradford people at every level. That is less likely to happen if Bradford Congress continues to meet behind closed doors. So the proposal that future meetings should be held in public (with the proviso that for commercial reasons details of some bids must remain confidential) is a wise one which merits the support of the various parties involved.

If Bradford Congress is allowed to emerge from the shadows so that the people of Bradford can see what it does and understand why it is doing it, its important new role is likely to prove even more effective.