Pensioners unite for a better deal

SIR - I write in amazement to reply to R Davison (June 8) who is obviously a member of the Edwina Currie School of Charm. You know the one: "Stop moaning. If you're cold, get off to bed" - that type of person.

I pay for my glasses, false teeth (yes a lot of pensioners do have them), TV licence and many other things, and as a pensioner myself I implore your readers not to stop moaning, but to moan louder than ever before.

We are heading towards a General Election and the so called "Grey" vote is going to be a very big factor in it.

I am a non-political person, but when the canvassers from Blathering Blair and Happy Boy Hague come around, I shall say to them "What are you going to do for us."

For generations people over 65 were simply discounted at election times, but they won't be this time.

So I say to all the great Grey VIPs, be ready this time to have your say for a decent pension rise, free TV licences for all pensioners and anything else we can squeeze out of them.

Geoff Mallinson, Sapgate Lane, Thornton.

Working together

SIR - It is heartening to note that at least two of Bradford's schools - Bingley Grammar and Dixons CTC - are to be awarded Beacon Schools status, from which others can aspire to learn and emulate.

But it must stick in the gullet of those politicians recently deposed from positions of power in the Education Authority for I well remember it was they who opposed the CTC and tried to strangle it at birth.

They failed, but continued to shun it using infantile means such as not allowing other schools to play football etc against it. And now the CTC has a role to play in rehabilitating its former tormentor.

Now let's put the past and ideology to bed and everyone work together to give the children of Bradford the excellence in education they so desperately need.

Lance Oyston, Upper Batley Lane, Birstall.