Even in the best of schools, there are bad apples - rebel pupils who refuse to conform to the normal standards of decency and behaviour. Those who for whatever reason are driven to behave anti-socially will seek out whatever dark and tucked-away corners they can find in which to carry out their mischief.

In the very worst cases that can mean violence, threats and intimidation, bullying, dealing and taking drugs and illicit smoking and drinking.

One of the most obvious venues for such activities is school toilets, which by their very nature convey some degree of privacy. Yet too often that privacy is abused as the toilets are used for purposes other than those for which they are intended. That is part of the underground culture of virtually every school.

Bingley Grammar School is right to recognise that reality. Even though it is not perceived as the worst by a very long stretch, it is taking intelligent action to try to head off these problems by employing toilet attendants to patrol the area and nip such anti-social behaviour in the bud.

It may seem in some ways an extreme and expensive step but in the long run, by giving bullies and troublemakers nowhere to hide, it could play a major role in changing attitudes among certain pupils and therefore save schools far greater problems and expense later.

It is a bold experiment. We wish it the best of luck and hope that it succeeds in setting an example for other schools to follow.