Injured skipper Robbie Paul has pledged to get back on the field this season to try to help the Bulls complete a Super League and Challenge Cup double.

The Kiwi ace spent another night in a private hospital at Elland but is expected to be released later today after suffering a punctured lung and two broken ribs in Sunday's 20-20 derby draw with Halifax Blue Sox at The Shay.

Bulls coach Matthew Elliott visited Paul in hospital yesterday afternoon and reported him to be in good spirits despite the trauma of the previous 24 hours.

"Robbie was pretty comfortable despite what he had been through, but it was felt he would benefit from another night under observation," said Elliott.

"He was very optimistic and talking about getting back out on the field as quickly as possible.

"He also seemed more concerned that we had not played very well at Halifax and only managed a draw.

"He obviously still has

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some way to go and he has copped a pretty solid knock but we are certainly hopeful at this stage that he will be back this season.

"The injured lung has re-inflated by itself and that is very encouraging and means there will be no need for any surgical procedures."

Bulls media manager Stuart Duffy said the club had been inundated with goodwill messages for the skipper.

"Fans have been dropping off cards and flowers and a lot of messages have also been posted on the message board on the club's website," he said.

Meanwhile Halifax forward Andy Hobson will face the Rugby Football League Disciplinary Committee later today.

Hobson has been cited by the Rugby Football League's Executive Committee over the incident which resulted in Paul being carried off on a stretcher. The League will investigate whether Hobson used his knee in the challenge.

Hobson was then given his marching orders just minutes later by referee Steve Presley after using his knee on Hudson Smith. The pair had been involved in a scuffle moments earlier following the Paul incident.

The RFL have also called for the referee's report after it was alleged that Wigan coach Frank Endacott and assistant Dean Bell were spat at by fans following the Warriors' 56-6 win at Wakefield.

Wildcats coach Tony Kemp apologised to the pair for the behaviour of some of the home supporters, saying: "I would like to issue a public apology to them for the way some Wakefield fans conducted themselves at the end of the game."