West Yorkshire road race champion Dave Micklethwaite (Sowerby Brothers RT) scored another win at the weekend when he out-sprinted Matt Larner (Lichfield City) to win the 63-mile VC Voodoo road race near Dacre Bank.

Micklethwaite and Larner dominated the race after breaking clear shortly after the start. They built up a comfortable lead and in the final sprint Larner had the misfortune to pull his foot out of the clip that attaches him to the pedals leaving Micklethwaite to take the sprint easily.

Keighley rider Danny Fox (Team Marie Curie) finished third in the 72.5 mile Mike Binks Memorial road race at Greenhow in North Yorkshire. The race was won by Ian Hellawell (Middridge CRT) from Chris Clarke (VC York).

The Yorkshire Cycling Federation 30 produced some fast times. Roger Iddles (Stourbridge CC) won in 1-1-0 from Kevin Dawson (Pete Read Racing) 1-1-24 and his team-mate Joel Wainman 1-3-7. Leeds rider Dave Thomas (GS Orion) was the fastest West Yorkshire man in 1-3-34.

Otley CC promoted a series of circuit races at the Great Yorkshire Showground catering for all categories from under 12 to elite. The best under 12 was Adam Blyth. Sarah Gill (Cottingham Coureurs) who used to ride for the Otley club was the best woman.