A 57-year-old teacher is preparing to take part in trials for his fifth Triathlon World Championship.

Tony Smith took up the sport almost 15 years ago after retiring from his first love - rugby. Now he competes among the world's elite in his age group.

It was only in 1986 that Tony, a part-time sports studies teacher at Brighouse High School, began to train seriously for the triathlon. The gruelling sport comprises a one-mile swim, followed by a 26-mile bike ride and a six-mile run.

"I got involved in the sport after I'd retired from rugby but wanted to remain fit and active," he said.

"It was in the early 80s, when there was a big running boom. I took up running, and then I saw an ad for the Ripon Triathlon in a magazine. That was my first race."

After ten years taking part in triathlons as a hobby, Tony, who lives in Wibsey, then found a reason to step up his interest in the sport.

"I've really only been taking it seriously since I found out about the different age groups that are held in the World Championships," he said. "There are groups bracketed in every five years which gives everyone a chance.

"The World Championships are fantastic events with a great atmosphere. I've taken part in four now and they've all been brilliant."

Tony has competed in Perth in Australia, Montreal in Canada and Lausanne in Switzerland. He hopes to add Edmonton in Canada to the list with the 2001 World Championships taking place there.

He is currently increasing his training levels ahead of the World Championship trials on Saturday in Edinburgh.

"I try to do something every day, whether it be running, cycling or swimming," he said. "Occasionally I do all three in one session. I usually do about an hour a day.

"I swim at Bradford University, and if I cycle then I always try to follow it up with a run, just so I get used to running after being on a bike.

"I also try to keep track of my diet by eating a lot of carbohydrates and fruits, and avoiding fatty foods.

"I need to come in the first five or six in my age bracket to qualify for the World Championships, so I really do need to be in as good a shape as possible."