This is the picture of joy which new mum Jenny Harper feared she might never see. Last year she was severely beaten by the Lund Park attacker at her home in Hardwick Street, Keighley, just days after finding that she was pregnant.

But a scan three days later revealed that her baby was unharmed despite the ferocious attack and now she has given birth to Reece Michael, 6lb 10oz.

His birth has helped the 26-year-old hairdresser put all the misery of the motiveless assault behind her as she revelled in the joy of her first son.

Jenny, who now lives in Oakworth, said the prospect of Reece's birth had helped her overcome the trauma of the attack on December 11, when she opened the door around 6.30pm to a balaclava-clad man.

She said: "I'm chuffed to bits. I wouldn't swap him for the world. I just burst into tears when he was put into my arms, all my family were there and it was really, really good.

"I can't explain how I felt, I was so happy. I have always wanted children and he is a dream come true. I am sure it would have taken longer for me to get over what happened if it had not been for my being pregnant.

"It gave me something to look forward to. I enjoyed going shopping for baby things and getting excited about the birth. It definitely would have taken longer for me to come to terms with what happened without the baby to look forward to.

"I still have flashbacks about what happened and I'm still scared at night. I won't go out on my own and I don't like to be left on my own."

Her partner Simon Loxley, who was at the birth, added: "It's excellent. I can't describe how I feel, it's just unbelievable. After all the trauma we've gone through, we can now try and put it behind us and celebrate Reece being here."

The attacker who carried out three assaults in the Lund Park area of the town has never been caught and the investigation was wound down in April this year.

Det Chief Supt Brian Taylor said at the time: "All the lines of inquiry have been completed. The investigation is being wound down, but not closed."

Jenny was his first victim and needed 23 stitches to a head wound after being beaten with a baseball bat-like club. She also suffered broken fingers on both hands.

Without the brave intervention of a lodger, Yitsingh Yau, who heard her screams and disturbed the attacker, her injuries could have been even worse.

In the other attacks, a 32-year-old woman was hit over the head from behind five days later as she crossed Lund Park on her way home. And a 29-year-old woman was knocked over by a man who banged her head on the ground before running off.