Two men were taken to hospital after the car in which they were travelling was in collision with one of Bradford's new 'bendy buses'.

The accident happened at 5pm yesterday when a Ford Fiesta carrying the men pulled out of Church Street and was in collision with the bus as it travelled into Bradford along Toller Lane, Girlington.

The two men were trapped in the car and had to be freed by paramedics and firemen from Bradford and Fairweather Green fire stations.

Both were taken to Bradford Royal Infirmary but their injuries are not thought to be life-threatening.

Station Officer Barry Roberts, of Bradford's Nelson Street fire station, said: "It seems that they pulled out in front of the bus and went right under the front of it.

"The car was pushed about ten to 20 feet down the road. They must have been given a fair shunt. The bus only suffered damage to its front bumper.

"There was an HGV travelling behind the bus but luckily it managed to stop, otherwise it could have been a lot worse.

"One of them is believed to have broken his collar bone and was suffering from back pain. Apart from that, they had cuts and bruises to their faces.

"The bus driver was very shaken but fortunately there was only one passenger on the bus."

The collision caused major delays for traffic leaving Bradford as the rush hour exodus from the city centre began.

Nobody at the First Bradford bus company was available for comment on the collision.