TARMAC has said 50 jobs are expected to remain at Cracoe's Swinden Quarry.

The statement comes a week after the Herald revealed redundancies were to be made at Swinden and Threshfield quarries despite the former being given an extension to its life to safeguard jobs just four years ago.

A spokeswoman for Tarmac, said: "Plans to extend Swinden Quarry were granted in a bid to safeguard the site and its workforce. If these plans had not been successful, then the current situation would certainly have questioned the viability of the unit.

"As it is, the £15 million investment in the new plant has put Swinden Quarry at the leading edge of modern technology, utilising some of the most advanced systems available to the industry. Unfortunately this technology has replaced many of the labour intensive operations."

She added: "However, redevelopment will make the Swinden unit a focal point within Tarmac Northern Limited, and although this will lead to job losses in some areas, the relocation of associated functions to Swinden will bring new employment. Where possible redeployment and retraining of employees will be considered."

Tarmac admitted it was unfortunate that the reorganisation at Swinden and the restructuring of the Tarmac Group had resulted in the closure of the block operation.

"This decision has nothing to do with the new production operations at Swinden, but is seen as the best economic solution for the company's new Concrete Products Division," added the spokeswoman. "Overall employment levels at Swinden are expected to exceed 50."