SIR - The reply to Mr Jeffrey Gordon's letter (October 25) is that the powers that be, mainly the Conservative Government, did not heed the lesson of history.

British Railways was formed by amalgamation in 1947 of the four main lines then in existence, themselves formed by an amalgamation of many little multi-owned lines and companies in 1923, because a surfeit of ownership didn't work; in fact they had the same problems as those which Mr Gordon quotes for the present position.

BR was not ideal, but better than now when one lot doesn't know what the others are doing even at the same station.

Sadly, to go backwards would cost a phenomenal amount of money, for all those multitude of train operators, sub-contractors etc. will have to be bought out.

It was an owners' and shareholders' dream from the beginning, and was probably the object of the exercise.

It is an example of so much that this present Government inherited, most of which was done in a hurry, and not very well, but would take a mint to undo, even if it was possible to do so.

S Barlow, Claremont Gardens, Bingley.

SIR - Further to the remarks made by Mrs P Cottingham in the T&A (October 24) re "Unwanted Road".

I don't know where the lady is coming from, but can I assure her that the majority of Bingley people wish the A650 relief road to be built ASAP.

How are we likely to take kindly to the suggestion we "lack common sense" after waiting more than 30 years to be rid of pollution and congestion which has blighted us and our town for so long?

J Stephenson, Ashfield Crescent, Bingley.

SIR - The recent BSE/CJD Report (T&A, October 26) is utterly unacceptable. It is one more flawed, dust-gathering inquiry produced by "the Establishment". Claiming to be impartial, it perversely protects the people it criticises.

Unbridled profit-making converted cattle from herbivores to carnivores. Faced with "mad cows", the Ministry of Agriculture - politicians, civil servants and scientists - attempted to keep the dairy and beef markets running smoothly, greased with deliberate disinformation.

Faced with increasing CJD victims, the same were again into denial, defaming the integrity of honest critics, insisting that the epidemic bore no relation to BSE.

Eventually, the national "zero-conceivable-risk" herd was incinerated, costing taxpayers billions. Now, we grimly wait to see the scale of the human catastrophe.

Yet no-one will be charged with manslaughter; no writs for damages served; no political careers abruptly terminated. All were "well-meaning", merely guilty of "sedating" the public.

This report confirms that the same base values which created BSE/CJD are still securely in place.

Capitalist producers, their food technologists and gutless politicians are ignorantly "frankensteining" our food right now and until politicians put people before profit, nothing will change.

George Riseborough, Broad Left Against Blairism (BLAB), Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Bradford South and Margaret Riseborough (Election Agent), Roper Lane, Queensbury.

SIR - Fagley Action Group wishes to thank your reporter Sarah Walsh for the help she has given to the elderly people on the complex at Foston Close.

We had a meeting with Mr Doncaster, principle housing manager and his staff at Victoria House. He was very helpful in advising the group on security, etc, and we wish to thank him also for his time and his officers.

We would also like to thank Clare, the receptionist, for her help in making us, as a group, welcome and making coffee and tea.

The T&A is our only means of getting things made public and we thank all who have put our case across, and also the Bradford Star.

So keep up the good work for the working class and poor pensioners.

J R Smith, Fagley Action Group, Flawith Drive, Fagley.

SIR - In view of recent reports about standards of education in Britain, could anybody explain why schoolchildren are always on holiday in Britain?

Children where I live have just gone back after the summer holidays and are now off for a week. How does this compare to Europe or the Far East such as Japan?

Head teachers are asking for more pay. For the time they work they get overpaid, to my way of thinking.

Michael Breen, Bolton Hall Road, Wrose.

SIR - Has any reader ever seen a tornado, waterspout or other whirlwind in Britain? I am collecting records for the Tornado and Storm Research Organisation, which was founded in 1974 to monitor the occurrence of whirlwinds in Britain.

We would be especially interested to hear from anyone who witnessed a tornado in Bradford on August 20 this year, about which we have few details.

We are also interested in cases of severe hailstorm, ball lightning (fireballs or balls of light) and showers of unusual objects (fish, frogs, straw, etc).

Any information, however old, will be most valuable. Exact dates are not essential.

Mike Rowe, 21 Bankview, Lymington, Hampshire, SO41 8YG.

SIR - Calling all developers with vision: West Bowling Golf Club for sale.

"Industrial estate with associated access problems" or "Premium hotel site with nine-hole golf course and the best park and ride scheme in the UK".

Imagine commuting to the top of the M606 to park in a secure environment to then be whisked into the centre of Bradford with no parking hassle by fast, clean, shuttle buses.

Why can't Bradford be innovative with its use of land and set the example for generations to come. Ask yourself, do you want more industrial buildings or would you prefer an assisted public-transport system where the general public can feel confident to leave their cars on the outskirts of the city and freely commute by modern bus?

What impact on the city would several thousand fewer cars in the city centre have and how much space would be available for visitors to park and enjoy the city?

A vision for 2001 perhaps?

Colin Holmes, Hopefield Way, Bradford 5.

SIR - Through your Letters page may I thank all the people of Bradford, Keighley and Shipley who took part in activities at the Turn Your Back on Back Pain road show caravan.

The road show was held as part of the activities of the Bradford Area Occupational Health & Safety Forum to mark European week for Safety and Health.

We wish to thank Wm Morrison plc, Yorkshire Co-operatives, Virgin Megastore, Bradford, and Bradford Theatres for donating the prizes for the free draw. The winners were: J Whalley, B Corboz, L Holmes, K Pullen, R Woods and J Gillett.

Jenni Danson, development workers, Bradford Area Occupational Health & Safety Forum, Malsis Road, Keighley.