A SHOPOWNING couple are up in arms over an advertising board put up without planning permission.

Jessica and Richard Simpson of Parkgate Stores, Otley, were horrified when the illuminated sign went up outside their shop.

They had believed advertising company Primesight had applied for planning


The couple had also asked for stringent

conditions on the kind of advert displayed.

Mrs Simpson said: "Primesight asked me if they could put up the sign, I said fine if they got planning permission. I also gave them lots of conditions because I didn't want anything controversial."

Then workmen arrived to put up the sign. "I knew that there hadn't been enough time to get planning permission but when I asked them they waved some drawings at me and said they had," added Mrs Simpson.

She later learned the company was yet to receive planning permission from Leeds City Council.

Now, Mr and Mrs Simpson say the sign can stay - as long as it gets planning permission.

A spokesman for London based Primesight advertising admitted that the company put up signs at the same time it applied for planning permission.

"We have our own planners and we speak to the council first before putting our signs up.

"If planning permission is refused, we will take it down within 24 hours."

A spokeswoman for Leeds City Council

confirmed a planning application had been received and would be dealt with under

delegated powers.