Bradford Bulls have received a timely boost with the news that Australian star Brad Mackay is set to return for the new season.

The former Australian Test back row ace has told coach Brian Noble that he will be back to complete his two-year contract.

There had been fears that Mackay might opt to stay at home to launch his future career with the fire service.

But Noble said today: "I have spoken to Brad and everything is set for his return.

"It is great news for us because he is such a talented player.

"He made a big contribution last season and he is great to have around the club."

Noble is currently planning ahead for next week when his England international players report back for training for the first time since the World Cup.

He revealed: "It has been hard working with just a skeleton squad but it was important for the internationals to rest their bodies.

"Paul Anderson and Jamie Peacock tried to come back early but I sent them off home again.

"I admired their enthusiasm but felt they needed a little more time to recover from a punishing year."