Aspiring accountants and budding builders who may be put off going into higher education because of a lack of cash could help fulfil their dream with a £2,000 bursary.

Bradford College is one of six further education colleges in the country taking part in a government pilot scheme which will offer financial awards to bright students from poorer backgrounds.

Opportunities Bursaries will be split into three payments with 49 selected students receiving £1,000 in the first year to meet the initial costs of starting study and £500 in the second and third year of their degree or HND programme.

Sixth forms in the district have been informed of the award available to pupils who accept a conditional offer on one of the college's higher education courses in September 2001 on a first come, first served basis.

These include BAs in leisure recreation and community; accountancy and law, and textile design as well as HNDs in building studies and business studies.

Margaret Appleyard, administration officer at Student Services in Bradford College, welcomed the scheme.

She said: "We are always aware of the difficulties that students face financially so it is really good we have something else we can offer them."

The payments are intended to cover the cost of books and equipment, travel and deposits for accommodation.

Lisa Graham, 30, of Bingley, is studying for her BA honours in counselling and psychology. She said she would have been unable to complete her studies if she had not received backing from the Bradford College student support fund.

"I received a student grant and I applied for a student loan as well but without the £500 from the college I would not have been able to carry on."

A single mother of seven-year-old Louisa, she had done various jobs such as bar work and catering but decided she wanted to provide a secure future for herself and her daughter.

"I needed a purpose and I knew I did not want to be financially dependent on the government or men. It's helped me to get on with my life."

e-mail: kathryn.kittley@