Champion dog-breeder Elaine Clark enjoys a cuddle after being reunited with five of her stolen English Bull Terrier pups - thanks to the Telegraph & Argus.

Mrs Clark and husband Dominic turned to the T&A after thieves took seven of the pups from their farm in Denholme in the dead of night.

The couple, both 44, offered a £20,000 reward for the arrest and conviction of the raiders and put a poster up outside their home, appealing for help.

After the T&A appeal last Wednesday, a member of the public contacted the couple who said the dogs had been sold to people living on a Bradford estate - and he could help to get them back.

The couple said they had to pay a man about £600 for the return of four puppies and found the fifth themselves after a tip-off in an anonymous telephone call.

But Elaine, who along with her husband has bred English Bull Terriers for most of her life, said she cannot sleep easy as two puppies have still not been returned.

She said: "There is still a brindle and white bitch called Zena and a very distinctively marked dog called Pongo, with a brindle mismark on his back and a brindle patch over his eye, who are missing."

Elaine said the five puppies were found at addresses on the Allerton estate in Bradford.

She said: "It was absolutely brilliant each time we got our hands on another puppy.

"It's great to have five of them back but you still can't forget the two that are still out there.

"We've had a very clear sighting of one of the dogs in Heaton. We just want anybody who has genuine information about the pups to get in touch with the police."

Insp David Drucquer, of Bingley police, said: "We are pleased the majority of dogs have been returned safe and well.

"Inquiries are ongoing to trace the people who stole the dogs and those who may have handled the puppies, knowing they were stolen."

Anyone with information should call Bingley Police on (01274) 537495 up to 5pm and Keighley Police on (01535) 617059 after 5pm.

e-mail: charles.heslett@bradford.