SIR - Further to the report in the T&A on December 7 about the family of kittens and two adult cats rescued from a box dumped in Dudley Hill.

We were inundated with callers wanting to adopt the eight kittens in the picture. Sadly, only one of the callers wanted an older cat.

As we are at present over full with 126 cats, isn't it sad that no one wants to give them a home?

All the more reason to stop the foolish people who let their cats have litter after litter each year and always think they get good homes for them.

If that is the case, then why are we and the RSPCA full of unwanted and mostly badly-treated, neglected strays?

For goodness sake, animal owners, come to your senses and get these animals neutered. There is help if you only seek it.

And let's stop so many cats and dogs being destroyed or left to live out their lives in pens at sanctuaries.

Jenny Sampson (Treasurer), Cat Rescue, Rossmore Drive, Allerton.

SIR - With reference to the letter from Mrs B Sheard (T&A, November 27).

The Monday to Friday 615 daytime service operates a 30-minute frequency between Bradford and Cottingley via Thornton Road, Bell Dean Road and Saffron Drive. I regret to note the difficulties Mrs Sheard has experienced when using the service on Monday and Tuesday, November 6 and 7.

The 5.15pm service from Bradford Interchange on November 6 regrettably did not operate due to a vehicle breakdown and I would like to apologise for any inconvenience this caused.

The 4.15pm service on November 7 departed 16 minutes late due to a delay in the arrival of the relief driver. The relief driver was unfortunately delayed on his previous journey which I can now confirm has now been adjusted by our Commercial department.

Brandon Jones, Marketing Officer, First Bradford, Bowling Back Lane, Bradford 4.

SIR - I am writing with regards to a letter featured in the "Ask Annie" column on December 5.

The letter described the worries of a woman who had had unprotected sex. The answer was rather judgmental and only gave advice to see the GP. This would have not solved my worries were I that individual.

I was surprised that your answer bore no reference to the Sexual Health Department at St Luke's Hospital. The department actively encourages people to phone for advice or attend for an appointment for a check-up. There are specialist nurses and counsellors there who are very reassuring and informative.

The clinic is geared up to dealing with all sexual health issues.

Please print this so that other worried individuals know that there are people there to help. Sex happens and while using a condom is the best thing to do, "mistakes" do happen.

The important thing is getting the right help when needed.

Mrs R Hughes, Norwood Avenue, Shipley.

l EDITOR'S NOTE: The number to ring to speak to a health adviser (including HIV advice) at the Sexual Health Department is 01274 365035. For male appointments at the special clinic ring 01274 365231, female 01274 365232.

SIR - May I through your Letters Page offer my congratulations to Bradford Council with regards to the Christmas lights adorning our city centre.

I congratulate them, not for the one bulb more than the ill-fated Titanic display, but for their thriftiness.

Some councils think that spending money on interesting, attractive and especially abundant festive lights creates an attraction that brings in the shoppers who spend money, but of course what do they know?

Look out, Bradford Council! There may be icebergs ahead.

Paul Moss, Piccadilly Corner, Bradford 1.

SIR - There are 67,000 council homes in Bradford, which is roughly 81,000 tenants. They have endured the yoke of the council for far too long.

Promises are not kept. Repairs are often slapdash. There is never any money. Where on earth has it gone - 67,000 rents a week? It does not make sense. Tenants are not getting value for money.

The document that has just come out to every tenant is not what the tenant wants but what the council wants. Once again the tenants are being deluded into thinking they have a choice.

Unions are for their members, quite rightly. Members of Parliament are getting ready for the next election. Who are for tenants? Not the unions and certainly not Members of Parliament.

The council have let tenants down. There is only one option that would be fair. The other four options are to stay with the council.

Last year Thorpe Edge voted against Stock Transfer. They were ill advised. The same people are against Stock Transfer now. Tenants should not be fooled.

What's in it for me? Nothing, I'm an owner-occupier.

Joan Foulds, New Line, Greengates.

SIR - I would like to convey my heartfelt thanks to all the doctors and nurses at the BRI and St Luke's hospital and last but not least to St Catherine's hospital.

In all it was about 14 weeks of excellent care, and just when we thought my husband could come home, albeit as an invalid, he died.

One caring nurse had trimmed his hair, the eyebrows and moustache. I shall never forget it.

How do these nurses and doctors do their jobs so efficiently when in the end the patient slips away.

They are indeed angels.

Mrs Ann Light, Moorland View, Low Moor, Bradford.

SIR - Who is Gordon Brown to join the chorus of those who say that William Hague's figures for tax cuts do not add up?

Has everybody forgotten Brown's double accounting where an increase of spending on the NHS by £9 billion a year over four years added up to an extra £90 billion in total? What gall the man has!

P E Bird, Nab Wood Terrace, Shipley.


SIR - The residents of Aire Close, Baildon, had to suddenly abandon their homes due to flooding. Now the cost of putting their lives together again is high.

I hope your readers feel able to contribute to the Flood Appeal as the need is very real.

Stewart Main, The St Hugh's Centre, Coach Road, Baildon.